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Fysiotherapie Vrolijk brand guidelines


Logo varianten

Turpis non pharetra curabitur, proin sed integer maecenas id nullam aliquet suscipit arcu morbi, natoque venenatis proin egestas aptent interdum. In Faucibus laoreet.


Primary typeface

Poppins Lightabcdefghijklmabcdefghijklm
Poppins Mediumabcdefghijklmabcdefghijklm
Poppins Semi-Boldabcdefghijklmabcdefghijklm
Poppins Boldabcdefghijklmabcdefghijklm

Text sizes

H1Size: 80 pxFont-weight: Bold
Heading one
H2Size: 50 pxFont-weight: Bold
Heading two
H3Size: 24 pxFont-weight: Semi-bold
Heading three
H4Size: 20 pxFont-weight: Medium
Heading four
H5Size: 18 pxFont-weight: Medium
Heading five
H6Size: 16 pxFont-weight: Medium
Heading six
PSize: 18 pxFont-weight: Medium
Paragraph text

Word spacing & line height

Poppins Light
Default leading

Turpis non pharetra curabitur, proin sed integer maecenas id nullam aliquet suscipit arcu morbi, natoque venenatis proin egestas aptent interdum. In Faucibus laoreet. Vehicula Viverra dictumst sapien, egestas ridiculus. Senectus mauris etiam.

Poppins Light
Easier to read

Turpis non pharetra curabitur, proin sed integer maecenas id nullam aliquet suscipit arcu morbi, natoque venenatis proin egestas aptent interdum. In Faucibus laoreet. Vehicula Viverra dictumst sapien, egestas ridiculus. Senectus mauris etiam.

Poppins Light
Too loose

Turpis non pharetra curabitur, proin sed integer maecenas id nullam aliquet suscipit arcu morbi, natoque venenatis proin egestas aptent interdum. In Faucibus laoreet. Vehicula Viverra dictumst sapien, egestas ridiculus. Senectus mauris etiam.

Line Height

Line height for headings is measured by taking the font size and multiplying it by 1.2.
For example:

Heading one80px font size, 72px line height

Line height for paragraphs is measured by taking the font size and multiplying it by 1.5.
For example:

Example of a paragraph of text18px font size, 27px line height

Brand colors

#0b63f8hsl(218, 94%, 51%)
#cedffdhsl(218, 94%, 90%)
#e6effehsl(218, 94%, 97%)
#000000hsl(0, 0%, 0%)